Table 1: Items scheduled on the Forward Plan for the Executive Meeting on 23 January 2025
Title and Description |
Author |
Portfolio Holder |
Capital Budget 2025/26 to 2029/30
Purpose of Report: To present the capital programme, including detailed scheme proposals.
Members will be asked to recommend the proposals to Full Council. |
Debbie Mitchell, Chief Finance Officer |
Executive Member for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion |
Capital & Investment Strategy
Purpose of Report: To set out a framework for all aspects of the council’s capital and investment expenditure including prioritisation, planning, funding and monitoring.
Members will be asked to: Recommend the strategy to full council. |
Debbie Mitchell, Chief Finance Officer |
Executive Member for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion |
Capital Programme Update Monitor 3
Purpose of Report: To provide members with an update on the capital programme.
Members will be asked to note the issues, recommend to Full Council any changes as appropriate. |
Debbie Mitchell, Chief Finance Officer |
Executive Member for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion |
Finance & performance Monitor 3
Purpose of Report: To present details of the overall finance and performance position.
Members will be asked to note the report.
Debbie Mitchell, Chief Finance Officer |
Executive Member for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion |
Financial Strategy 2025/26
Purpose of Report: To present the Financial Strategy, including detailed revenue budget proposals.
Members will be asked to: Recommend the proposals to Full Council. |
Debbie Mitchell, Chief Finance Officer |
Executive Member for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion |
Treasury Management Quarter 3 Prudential Indicators
Purpose of Report: To provide members with an update on the treasury management position.
Members will be asked to note the issues and approve any adjustments as required to the prudential indicators or strategy. |
Debbie Mitchell, Chief Finance Officer |
Executive Member for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion |
Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2025/26 - 2029/30
Purpose of Report: To set out the treasury management strategy, including the annual investment strategy and the minimum revenue provision policy statement and prudential indicators.
Members will be asked to: Recommend the strategy to Full Council. |
Debbie Mitchell, Chief Finance Officer |
Executive Member for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion |
Table 2: Items scheduled on the Forward Plan for the Executive Meeting on 13 February 2025
Title and Description |
Author |
Portfolio Holder |
Fostering Framework
Purpose of Report: The report sets out proposals to introduce a new fostering framework and fee structure for foster carers across the City of York.
The Executive will be asked to consider the proposals within the report and approve the recommendations. |
Martin Kelly, Corporate Director of Children and Education |
Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education |